Monday, March 28, 2016

The JP-08 explained: 2. HPF + VCF

The HPF is a high-pass filter; it allows for cutting the low frequencies. By adjusting the CUTOFF slider, frequencies below the cutoff frequency will be cut.

The VCF (Voltage controlled filter) is the low pass filter section.

The CUTOFF slider set the cutoff frequency point. Anything above the cutoff frequency will be cut.

The RES slider controls the filter resonance, which amplifies frequencies around the cutoff frequency.

The SLOPE switch allows for selection of the slope for the low pass filter.

The LFO MOD slider allows the use of the LFO to variate the cutoff frequency.

The ENV MOD slider  adjusts the depth by which the envelope controls the cutoff frequency. 

The ENV-1/ENV-2 swicth selects the envelope which is used for control.

The KEY FOLLOW slider permits the cutoff frequency to be controlled by the keyboard. 

Friday, March 25, 2016

Editor / Librarian for Roland JP-08: Boutique Helper

The Boutique Helper is an editor / librarian for Roland JP-08. Use it to improve your workflow because it gives you tons of benefits.

Some of the key features include:

- Real time control of all JP-08 parameters, both layers simultaneously when DUAL is enabled

- Accurate and adjustable mapping of each JP-08 parameter (from 0..127 CC values from 
  external MIDI controller to 0..255 internal JP values), with normal or inverse polarity, 
  on both layers simultaneously

- User assignable Velocity and Aftertouch

- Supports up to 2 external MIDI controllers, for example a keyboard and a knob controller

- Editor / librarian feature: patches created with JP-08 can be downloaded on the editor and 
  saved locally on the computer as .PRM files, standard format of patches saved inside 
  the JP (see backup/restore feature in JP manual)

- Patches in .PRM format can be loaded instantaneously from computer to JP (infinite patches 
  library ); they can be loaded on both layers automatically

- Editing and sound design of new patches can be done from external controller, from computer 
  (with fine adjustment of everything) or from the JP-08 panel (supporting echo of modified 
  parameters on both layers in real time)

- Backup of all JP-08 internal 64 patches, locally saved in the computer as .PRM files, 
  ready for a "Restore" function

- Quick recall: 8 most used patches can be assigned to 8 external controller buttons for immediate 
  recall (both layers loading supported and recommended)

- Init patch function: a flat starting point patch is created on JP-08 and local panel

- Randomize function: random values for each parameter are generated on JP-08 and local 
  panel. Funny and creative

- Direct and remote control of Delay, Portamento and Bender range

- Built-in input and output MIDI monitor for easy mapping and discovering of external controller 
  CC values

- Free version is fully working and allows patches saving on local computer. 

For more details please visit:

IMPORTANT NOTE: MIDI DIN (not USB) must be used with the editor because sysex messages are sent/received on Boutique synths only in this way!

The JP-08 explained: 1. VCO

Just like the original Jupiter-8, the JP-08 has 2 VCOs (voltage controlled oscillators). Having 2 VCOs offers a great advantage in creating many awesome type of sounds.

The VCO-1 allows you to choose from several waveforms: sine, triangle, sawtooth, pulse, square, white noise and low frequency wave.

The RANGE (64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2) specifies the octave of the oscillator; for example 8 is the fundamental; 16 is one octave lower and 4 one octave higher. The numbers for the octaves historically originate from the lengths of organ pipes (measured in feet).

The CROSS MOD allows you to modifiy the VCO-1 frequency according to the VCO-2 waveform. Move the slider up to create metallic sounds or effects.

The VCO-2 allows you to choose from the following waveforms: sine, sawtooth, pulse, and low frequency wave.

The RANGE (64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2) specifies the octave of the oscillator.

The FINE TUNE knob permits the pitch adjustment of the VCO-2.

The SYNC is the oscillator sync.

The SOURCE MIX knob allows to balance the volume of the VCO-1 and VCO-2.

The VCO MOD section allows for modulation of the oscillators.

The LFO MOD slider adjust the depth by which the LFO modulates the VCO.

The ENV MOD slider adjust the depth by which the ENV-1 modulates the VCO.

The FREQ MOD SWITCH allows you to select the VCOs which are modulated by LFO/ENV MOD.

The PULSE WIDTH MOD slider stands for pulse width modulation, which changes the symmetrical square wave (50% pulse width) to an asymmetrical pulse wave. This happens when the SWITCH is in the M (manual mode). When in LFO or ENV-1 mode it adjusts the modulation depth.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Dear JP-08 owners, welcome! We will cover everything you want to know about the Roland JP-08. Watch this space ;)