The Boutique Helper is an editor / librarian for Roland JP-08. Use it to improve your workflow because it gives you tons of benefits.
Some of the key features include:
- Real time control of all JP-08 parameters, both layers simultaneously when DUAL is enabled
- Accurate and adjustable mapping of each JP-08 parameter (from 0..127 CC values from
external MIDI controller to 0..255 internal JP values), with normal or inverse polarity,
on both layers simultaneously
- User assignable Velocity and Aftertouch
- Supports up to 2 external MIDI controllers, for example a keyboard and a knob controller
- Editor / librarian feature: patches created with JP-08 can be downloaded on the editor and
saved locally on the computer as .PRM files, standard format of patches saved inside
the JP (see backup/restore feature in JP manual)
- Patches in .PRM format can be loaded instantaneously from computer to JP (infinite patches
library ); they can be loaded on both layers automatically
- Editing and sound design of new patches can be done from external controller, from computer
(with fine adjustment of everything) or from the JP-08 panel (supporting echo of modified
parameters on both layers in real time)
- Backup of all JP-08 internal 64 patches, locally saved in the computer as .PRM files,
ready for a "Restore" function
- Quick recall: 8 most used patches can be assigned to 8 external controller buttons for immediate
recall (both layers loading supported and recommended)
- Init patch function: a flat starting point patch is created on JP-08 and local panel
- Randomize function: random values for each parameter are generated on JP-08 and local
panel. Funny and creative
- Direct and remote control of Delay, Portamento and Bender range
- Built-in input and output MIDI monitor for easy mapping and discovering of external controller
CC values
- Free version is fully working and allows patches saving on local computer.
For more details please visit:
IMPORTANT NOTE: MIDI DIN (not USB) must be used with the editor because sysex messages are sent/received on Boutique synths only in this way!
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